Ideal Beauty!!?
In Ghana, like any other place, Ads, only seek more customers, regardless of the surrounding reality. Whether it is Vodafone ads, painting the whole buildings red, or it is beauty and cosmetic Ads, that overwhelm a major part of city billboards, TV channels, and magazines. In the midst of the rush of all the ads, Ghanaian women, who have a considerable role in the family economy, are only struggling with earning a living, ignoring the omnipresent ads. All-day long, women, with baskets on their heads, like moving shops, try to catch the passers-by eyes to earn a small income for the day…
This project is a photo-installation I’ve done during the SaNsA International Artists’ Workshop in Kumasi, Ghana in 2009. The installation consisted of portraits of Ghanaian women and the crumpled advertisement pages of beauty magazines.
Ideal Beauty!!?, Ghana, 2009 © Tooraj Khamenehzadeh